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000034_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Tue Jan 13 22:24:28 1998.msg
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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Tue Jan 13 22:24:28 1998
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Tue, 13 Jan 1998 16:48:19 -0900 (AKST)
Date: 13 Jan 98 16:45:50 -0900
From: "Troy E Bouchard" <tbouchar@ptialaska.net>
Subject: Re: HTTP digest
To: Mush <mushypd@redrose.net>
In-Reply-To: <yam7317.218.4193240@mail.redrose.net>
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Organization: The Bouchard's
Reply-To: "Troy E. Bouchard" <tbouchar@ptialaska.net>
X-URL: http://www.ptialaska.net/~tbouchar
Cc: amos-list@access.digex.net
X-Mailer: THOR 2.5a (Amiga;TCP/IP)
Status: O
>Hmm, this is a bad idea if it wont support Amiga browsers. One of the
>output functions of my mailinglist manager, is to create either single
>mails, or a "digest" which can be made in either plain text, or HTML
>format. It was designed for very high traffic lists.
>Ive added the HTML version to the PD library and will look at it tonight on
>Ibrowse, then releqase a version with my program to compare the difference.
I've since fixed the problem with the Amiga Browesers. Yes ... It was
MY FAULT... I read the HTML book wrong. Anyway - I won't upload and
double the work if you are going to publish in HTML. I only saw text
files and when downloaded and opened it was very agravating to plow
through all those headers and such to finaly get to the meat of the
message. HTMLDigest takes all that out and you just see who it is
from the date, and subject. If you want to read it - click on the
link. et volia! no more plowing through tonnes of text.
Troy E. Bouchard, Cowlitz